Important Steps to Help Maintain Your HVAC System

how to maintain hvac

Without a properly functioning HVAC system, your home won’t seem like the retreat that it’s meant to be. Although some HVAC breakdowns occur simply due to the age of the system, a majority of breakdowns happen because of a lack of HVAC maintenance. That’s why it’s so important to regularly maintain your heating and cooling system so that you’re not faced with the expense of buying a new system. Here are a few ideas to help you keep your HVAC system running smoothly.

Change Your Air Filter

If you want to help lower your energy bills and reduce the risk of breakdowns, the best thing you can do is regularly change your air filter. Without a clean air filter, your system won’t be able tohvac maintenance take in enough air, causing it to work harder and resulting in higher utility bills. A dirty air filter can also put excess pressure on the air handler, resulting in premature breakdown of your equipment. Even if your home is clean, it’s vital to check your air filter once a month. If the filter looks dirty, it’s time for a change.

Clean the Ducts

Air ducts are responsible for delivering conditioned air throughout your home. Unfortunately, they can become clogged over time as dust and debris get pushed through the system and settle in the ducts. Professional cleaning is your best option if your ducts are dirty. A professional duct cleaner will use a specialized high-powered vacuum that will send the dust and debris outside so that it can’t escape back into your home’s air. Cleaning air vents around your home is another important part of this process to help ensure that you’re not sending dust into your home as air comes through the vents.

Clean the Condensate Drain

An important part of air conditioners that many people often overlook is the condensate drain. This drain helps gets rid of the water that your air conditioner removes from the air inside your home. If the drain is working correctly, any condensate should end up outside. However, a clogged condensate drain will allow the water to remain in the condensate pan underneath the evaporator coil. Over time, the drain pan can overflow, causing water to run onto the floor surrounding your air conditioner. Another problem with a full condensate pan is that it can increase the humidity in the vicinity of the air conditioner and cause some of the system’s components to rust.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

For complete peace of mind when it comes to HVAC maintenance, it’s best to schedule annual professional maintenance with Eagle Heating and Air Conditioning. An annual visit from a trained HVAC technician will help your system last longer and reduce the chances of a system breakdown. Plus, an annual maintenance checkup will help your system run more efficiently and effectively.

During a maintenance visit, the technician will inspect each component in your HVAC system to ensure there are no loose or broken parts and that everything is operating correctly. They will check the compressor, evaporator coil, blower fan, heat exchanger, plus all of the smaller components and associated electrical connections. For even more peace of mind, you may want to consider twice-a-year maintenance visits so that you can enjoy both efficient cooling and heating.

Ensure Proper Airflow

Although the air filter plays a critical role in maintaining proper airflow to your HVAC system, there are other precautions you’ll want to take to ensure that your system gets enough air. If you have your HVAC equipment in a utility closet, it’s vital that you keep the louvers on the closet door free from dust. When the system is running, there is often negative pressure in the closet, which can pull dust inside. If the louvers are clogged with dust, it means that your system won’t be able to pull in enough air. If you are using your air conditioner, this could cause the refrigerant line to freeze up, especially if the evaporator coil is also clogged with dust.

Use Your Thermostat Wisely

Another do-it-yourself maintenance step that you can take is to make sure that you don’t over-use your HVAC system. Although you have every right to a comfortable home, you don’t want to set the temperature too low or too high to the point that your system runs constantly. Constant use will result in sky-high utility bills and significantly shortened system life.

One great way to reduce system usage is to install a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat allows you to select different temperatures on different days and at different times. This means that your HVAC system won’t run as often when you’re not at home. Something else you can do is try changing the temperature just one degree past what you consider comfortable. Over time, you’ll likely get used to this new normal, and may even be able to further adjust the system so that you don’t work your system as hard.

Remind Yourself

HVAC maintenance isn’t something that most people think about on a daily basis. If you don’t think about it at all, though, it’s likely you’ll overlook HVAC maintenance until it’s too late. That’s why you should make an effort to set reminders for yourself so that you can perform the appropriate maintenance steps at the correct intervals. You can set a reminder on your phone to alert you when it’s time to check your air filter, for example. When it comes to professional maintenance, most HVAC companies are happy to remind you when maintenance is due so that you never miss an appointment. With a solid maintenance schedule in place, you’ll be able to maintain a comfortable home in every season.

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